15 Nov

Wednesday night I had to work. This means the day before I start prepping Kadin and Amai that Ojichan will be watching them and I wont be here at night. Hill works till 11 so this means from six to eleven Ojichan watches the kids. Not that bad. I feel I don’t miss out on much other than the night time routine, which I don’t mind not being around for once in a while. Kadin loves his grandpa but for some reason he will fight going over there.  Ojichan has got to be the nicest grandpa out there. He is patient, kind and always teaching them something. But Kadin is always been a mommas boy and never ever wants me to go anywhere without him.  Sometimes and most times its a full on cry when I leave. They take turns. One day Amai will cry and the next time Kadin will cry. I hate it. Lately I have been giving them something to look forward to the next day when I’m home. So this week I asked Kadin what he wanted to do after school on Thursday. He said “Hiking” and his friend Abby chimed in and said “to the lighthouse!” Okay, so there it is, we were going to Makapu’u lighthouse the next day mommy is off.  I slept till 1 after working and took the kids + my neighbors four hiking. Everyone was so good, no fighting, no whining and most everyone walked the two mile hike.


Amai needed help from time to time getting a shoulder ride from me and a piggyback from Malorie:


Kadin did so well holding his backpack with snacks and sweating like crazy. His hair is so long now and I’m not sure what to do with it. But when he sweats it looks as if he jumped in the pool.


This is such a great hike for everyone. The road is paved something unheard of here and its full of views all the way up to the top. There is a lighthouse, at the very tip of of the point.


and a great view of Makapu’u beach. This beach is strictly for body surfers and boogie boarders. The beach where Hill almost drowned when he was in highschool, but isnt it gorgeous!


We started our hike about 5 or earlier and ended back at the car at around sunset. The kids had fun and I had a little exercise. The perfect end to our day. The kids were all sleeping by eight, which means more time to sew!


One Response to “”

  1. Irene November 15, 2008 at 6:15 am #

    Okay, I’m so jealous! Topped off at like 58 degrees today. BUT, I’m not jealous of the SIX kids… are you crazy!!!

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